I'm a Student
- Civic Engagement Challenge, Retro Report - $500 award for essays or videos!
- Watch this video to understand the US Census.
- Think about apportionment in terms of ice cream. Imagine that you have one giant tub of ice cream. Every single person in the United States wants to eat some of your ice cream. So, it is up to you to decide how many scoops of ice cream to give each state, based on that state's total population size.
- Watch this video and begin thinking about redistricting and gerrymandering in terms of slicing a pizza.
- Draw your community on Representable.org.
- Watch all of the short video clips on this website.
- Practice drawing maps using DistrictR, Dave’s Redistricting App, District Builder, or another geospatial technology tool.
- Know who your elected representatives are at the federal, state, and local levels. Visit GovTrack.us to explore the shapes of district boundaries and identify who speaks for you in legislative bodies.
- Investigate the GeoCivics activities for your state in State Resources.
We want our pizza slices to be... rules of pizza slicing. same shape. same size. equal amount of cheesse. equal amount of crust. maintain crust to cheese ratio.