
Step 1. Review

Instruction about population distribution on the Giant Map of Colorado

Review population trends with Coloradans On the Move, an interactive demonstration of population movement in the state over three time periods.

Step 2. Discuss

Using Flashes of Insight Discussion Tool

Discuss how to prioritize redistricting criteria using Flashes of Insight cards or an online game.

Step 3. Describe

Southwestern corner of Colorado on the Giant Map

Describe and map your community with online tools from to understand what issues are important in your neighborhood and region.

Use both written and geographic descriptions to explain your community.

Step 4. Practice

Learning about online redistricting tools

Practice using geospatial technology tools in preparation for drawing sample electoral district lines with accessible, step-by-step instructions.

Step 5. Draw

Sample Maps from Dave's Redistricting

Draw electoral districts with 2020 Census data using open-source geospatial technology tools.

  • Explore Districtr and District Builder.
  • Examine the "Notable Maps" detailed in Dave's Redistricting App to investigate different approaches to drawing electoral district lines.
  • Check here to see approaches to drawing the Colorado Congressional District map.
  • Review this sample explanation for an approach to submitting your own map (prepared for the El Paso County Commission).

Step 6. Analyze

El Paso County Commissioner Districts

Analyze redistricting maps, including any maps you created, the existing approved state maps, and various proposed maps in Dave's Redistricting App.

Step 7. Learn

Independent Redistricting Commission Meeting in Boulder

Learn about issues in your community that are affected by people who represent you at the local, state, and national levels.

  • Who else do you vote with?  Who are your elected representatives?  How did the lines change from the previous districts?  How do your city, county, school board, state, and congressional districts fit together?  Did your districts grow or shrink in area?  How would you describe your districts (competitive, gerrymandered, representative)?
  • Recall the information you identified while describing your community.  What else do you need to consider when drawing districts?  What watershed do you live in?  What school districts serve your area?  What issues are decided by state legislatures and local elected bodies that you care about?
  • County and municipal jurisdictions are also important to monitor.

County and Municipal Jurisdictions

Arapahoe County Commissioner Redistricting

City of Colorado Springs Redistricting

Denver Redistricting Resources

El Paso County Commission

Jefferson County

Weld County Redistricting



University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS)

Department of Geography and Environmental Studies